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Celebrating ObamaCare, Demonizing Its Opponents

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Celebrating ObamaCare, Demonizing Its Opponents Empty Celebrating ObamaCare, Demonizing Its Opponents

Post by TexasBlue Mon Apr 05, 2010 3:54 pm

If You’re Anti-ObamaCare, You Must Be a Bigot

“What are the Tea Partiers really angry about? Health care reform, or the fact that it was an African American President and a woman Speaker of the House who pushed through major change?”
— MSNBC’s Chris Matthews at the top of Hardball, March 29.

Tea Partiers = George Wallace’s Racist Legacies

“If racism is not the whole of the Tea Party, it is in its heart, along with blind hatred, a total disinterest in the welfare of others, and a full-flowered, self-rationalizing refusal to accept the outcomes of elections, or the reality of democracy, or the narrowness of their minds and the equal narrowness of their public support. On Saturday, that support came from evolutionary regressives like Michele Bachmann and Jon Voight. On a daily basis that support comes from the racists and homophobes of radio and television: the Michael Savages and the Rush Limbaughs.”
— MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann on Countdown, March 22.

“The angry faces at Tea Party rallies are eerily familiar. They resemble faces of protesters lining the street at the University of Alabama in 1956 as Autherine Lucy, the school’s first black student, bravely tried to walk to class. Those same jeering faces could be seen gathered around the Arkansas National Guard troopers who blocked nine black children from entering Little Rock’s Central High School in 1957. ‘They moved closer and closer,’ recalled Elizabeth Eckford, one of the Little Rock Nine. ‘Somebody started yelling, “Lynch her! Lynch her!”’...Today’s Tea Party adherents are George Wallace legacies....The mobs of yesteryear were on the wrong side of history. Tea Party supporters and their right-wing fellow travelers are on the wrong side now. It shows up in their faces.”
— The Washington Post’s Colbert I. King in a March 27 column.

Peaceful Tea Party Rally = Kristallnacht, 2010

“There’s nothing entertaining about watching goons hurl venomous slurs at congressmen like the civil rights hero John Lewis and the openly gay Barney Frank....How curious that a mob fond of likening President Obama to Hitler knows so little about history that it doesn’t recognize its own small-scale mimicry of Kristallnacht.”
— New York Times columnist Frank Rich, March 28.

Blame It All on Rush Limbaugh and Fox News

Co-anchor Terry Moran: “Anger — stoking it, expressing it, riding it. That was the Republican strategy to defeat health care. And over the weekend all that anger got ugly, as some Democratic members of Congress were called vile, racial and anti-gay slurs, and one was even spat upon by protesters. But in the wake of the Democrats’ victory, some Republicans are not sure all that anger makes good politics....[to David Frum] It sounds like you’re saying that the Glenn Becks, Rush Limbaughs hijacked the Republican Party and drove it to a defeat?”
Ex-Bush speechwriter David Frum: “Republicans originally thought that Fox worked for us and now we’re discovering we work for Fox.”
— ABC’s Nightline, March 22.

Venomous Limbaugh, Creating an American “Bigotocracy”

Anchor David Shuster: “Many conservatives today reacted harshly to the action in Congress. But nobody on the right produced as much controversial venom this afternoon as Rush Limbaugh....”
Georgetown University’s Michael Eric Dyson: “If anybody is fomenting dissent, it is Rush Limbaugh, the politics of division, the cruel denial of the utter humanity of Mr. Obama....”
Shuster: “Rush Limbaugh creates this picture of fascism and Nazism on the march. And you then start to have people going out of control acting crazily on Capitol Hill, yelling all kinds of racist things at members of the Congressional Black Caucus, yelling hateful things at Barney Frank....”
Dyson: “This is a bigotocracy. I think Rush Limbaugh is trying to foment a universe of bigotocracy.”
— Exchange during 3pm ET hour of MSNBC Live, March 22.

ObamaCare Opponents = Violent Thugs

“Opponents of the bill have been out today, and some of them pulled out all the stops. Protesters roaming Washington, some of them increasingly emotional, yelling slurs and epithets.”
— ABC’s Diane Sawyer on World News, March 21.

“A year-long debate that’s been rancorous and mean from the start turned even nastier yesterday. Demonstrators protesting the bill poured into the halls of Congress shouting ‘Kill the bill!’ and ‘Made in the USSR.’ And as tempers rose, they hurled racial epithets, even at civil rights icon John Lewis of Georgia, and sexual slurs at Massachusetts Democrat Barney Frank. Other legislators said the protesters spit on them, and one lawmaker said it was like a page out of a time machine.”
— Bob Schieffer leading off CBS’s Face the Nation, March 21.

“Democrats accuse Republicans of stoking the anger with violent rhetoric and imagery. They point to Sarah Palin’s Facebook page, which uses crosshairs to denote districts where vulnerable Democrats voted for health care reform. ‘Don’t retreat, instead, reload,’ Palin told fellow conservatives on Twitter.”
— CBS’s Nancy Cordes on The Early Show, March 25.

“Even if what you’re saying is, is accepted by everyone, that this is a language of campaigning, this is the language of politics, given, however, the sensitivity regarding this particular bill, should this still be the language of this day....These are very dangerous times.”
— NBC’s Ann Curry to Senator John McCain on Today, March 25.

“Sarah Palin takes on one of the highest ranking Democrats right in his own backyard, all while causing another uproar by urging Tea Parties to quote ‘reload.’ And the question is, are comments like that inciting violence and name-calling?...Is it responsible for someone to say that? Especially a leader, considering the anger that’s going on right now?”
— CNN anchor Don Lemon during the 10pm EDT edition of Newsroom, March 27. The on-screen headline declared: “DANGEROUS RHETORIC: When heated words incite threats & violence.”

“Would you say that this incitement, from the Republican leadership is criminal? I mean seriously. If people are gonna have windows thrown bricks at, if they’re gonna get their lives threatened, if we’re getting criminal behavior resulting from their incitement, is the incitement itself criminal?”
— MSNBC’s Chris Matthews on Hardball, March 24.

“How Do You Move On” from Republican Vitriol?

“Passage of this bill and turning it into law has left this country as politically divided as I think it has been in a long time. You might be able to cite some other examples, but the vitriol, the rhetoric, the sniping, the threats — how are you possibly going to continue with any kind of legislative agenda when your opponents have said to you, ‘I’m not gonna cooperate with this President, with these Democrats, unless it’s a matter of national security.’ How do you move on?”
— Matt Lauer to President Obama on NBC’s Today, March 30.

Seems Like a Lot More than a Kiss

“I am surprised that the numbers in the Washington Post poll weren’t better. I mean, since this thing passed last weekend, we’ve been seeing the longest wet kiss in political history given to the Obama administration by the liberal media elite, and every day it goes by, it’s sloppier.”
— Governor Haley Barbour (R-MS) commenting on an ABC News/Washington Post poll showing 46% approving of ObamaCare vs. 50% opposed, ABC’s This Week, March 28.

Victorious Obama Exposed “Party of No”

Anchor Katie Couric: “Chip, did the President, in a way, accomplish what he needed to do today?”
Correspondent Chip Reid: “Well, he really did, Katie. What he really wanted to do was convince the American people, and more importantly, wavering Democrats in Congress, that the Republicans are the party of no, they won’t compromise, and he now has no choice but to move ahead with Democrats alone.”
— Discussing Obama’s health care “summit” on the February 25 CBS Evening News. <---dishonest bastard!

Empathizing with Pelosi, Badgering Alexander

“How long are you willing to wait for the ideas [from Republicans]? The President seemed to make it clear that time’s up....Are you frustrated so many bills have been stalled in the Senate? Almost 300 bills passed by the House that are sitting, languishing in the Senate?”
— Elizabeth Vargas to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on ABC’s This Week, February 28.

“Are you going to, are the Republicans going to offer some amendments and play ball?...Why not be part of the process? Why not take what you consider to be an imperfect bill and at least attach some proposals that you support?...How are we going to fix Congress and empower Congress to be able to pass the sweeping kinds of changes that we need in the country?”
— Vargas to Republican Senator Lamar Alexander, a few minutes later on the same show. <---fµqqing @sshole Vargas knows damn good and well that GOP amendments were shrugged off by her goddess, Pelosi.

Last edited by TexasBlue on Mon Apr 05, 2010 4:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

Celebrating ObamaCare, Demonizing Its Opponents Admin210

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Celebrating ObamaCare, Demonizing Its Opponents Empty Re: Celebrating ObamaCare, Demonizing Its Opponents

Post by TexasBlue Mon Apr 05, 2010 3:56 pm

And some have the absolute gall to b!tch about FNC when the left has nearly every major media outlet cheering Bama on all the way. One news outlet that caters to cons and the libs get their panties in a wad. But this sh!t here that i posted is unbelievable.

Celebrating ObamaCare, Demonizing Its Opponents Admin210

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