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Trump... Reboot Needed

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Trump... Reboot Needed Empty Trump... Reboot Needed

Post by TexasBlue Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:19 pm

Trump... Reboot Needed

Neal Boortz
April 21, 2011

Now wait a minute … I don’t remember being interviewed for this article? Oh well, the life of a back-bencher, but this Politico columnist believes, “The talk-show right will sound like they are on [Donald Trump’s] payroll. Hate to be the foreign object in the punch bowl (not really) . but you’re looking at one talk show host who isn’t going gaga over Donald Trump.

Right now this Trump candidacy is pretty much a creation of the media. He’s flamboyant – he’s been around as a celebrity for quite a while – he has a TV reality show that often features Hollywierd celebrity types – in other words, he has all the ingredients for viewer-hungry cable television networks who are more concerned about growing ratings than they are about reporting good, hard news. The fact that the media and America has already wasted so much time on this clown is a testament to our media-obsessed culture. It is the same culture that put Barack Obama – a handsome community organizer with good teleprompter skills – in office, and it is the same culture that will be more concerned with the no-chance presidential bid of Donald Trump than it is about our fiscal future.

Pew Research has recently conducted a poll which showed that 53% of Americans can’t name one single Republican running for president. Now THERE’S some news that will make for big smiles at prog parties. I’ll tell you what, though; you won’t find 53% in a poll who don’t know who Trump is. They may not know that he’s running for president, but he’s show biz … so they recognize his name.

Donald Trump will not be the future president of the United States. Neither will Sarah Palin. Now they might end up being the nominees, disaster though that might be, but they won’t be elected. Responsible voters who actually care a bit more about America’s future than they do reality TV and the Hollywood red carpet need to try to get control of this message. Trump and Palin? Keys to defeat. You might as well swallow these facts, digest them, and move on to more important issues and candidates with a chance.

Trump... Reboot Needed Admin210

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