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Emails: White House told of Libyan attack claim on day it happened

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Emails: White House told of Libyan attack claim on day it happened Empty Emails: White House told of Libyan attack claim on day it happened

Post by TexasBlue Wed Oct 24, 2012 8:02 pm

Emails: White House told of Libyan attack claim on day it happened

Larry Margasak
Associated Press
Oct. 24, 2012

WASHINGTON -- Two hours after the U.S. Consulate came under attack in Benghazi, Libya, the White House was told that a militant group was claiming responsibility for the violence that killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans.

A State Department email sent to intelligence officials and the White House situation room said the islamist group Ansar al-Sharia claimed responsibility on Facebook and Twitter, and also called for an attack on the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli.

The document may fuel Republican efforts to show that the White House knew it was a terrorist attack, even as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations was saying -- five days afterward -- that it appeared to be a protest gone awry.

The Obama administration's account of the Benghazi events has become a presidential campaign issue, with Republican challenger Mitt Romney and GOP lawmakers accusing the White House of misleading Americans about the nature of the attack.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Wednesday that the State Department emails do not tell the whole story.

Clinton told reporters that the claim of responsibility noted by department officials was posted on Facebook and "is not in and of itself evidence." She cautioned against "cherry picking one story here or one document there" and said it is critical to look at the totality of information before coming to any conclusions.

The Associated Press and other news organizations obtained the unclassified email and two
related emails from government officials who requested anonymity because they were not authorized to speak about them publicly.

White House press secretary Jay Carney said the emails represented just one piece of information the administration was receiving at the time.

"There were emails about all sorts of information that was becoming available in the aftermath of the attack," Carney said. "The whole point of an intelligence community and what they do is to assess strands of information and make judgments about what happened and who is responsible."

Carney, traveling with President Barack Obama on Wednesday on Air Force One, said the emails were unclassified and referred to assertions made on a social media site.

There were a series of three emails sent by State Department officials in Washington as events unfolded on Sept. 11. Among the recipients was the White House situation room.

The first email said that the State Department's regional security officer reported the mission in Benghazi was under attack and that "20 armed people fired shots." It said that Ambassador Chris Stevens, who was killed in the attack, was in Benghazi and that Stevens and four others were in the compound's safe haven.

Forty-nine minutes later, an email said that the firing at the consulate "has stopped and the compound has been cleared," while a response team was attempting to locate people.

The next message, one hour and 13 minutes after the second and some two hours after the attack began, a message reported that Ansar-al-Sharia claimed responsibility for the attack.

"Embassy Tripoli reports the group claimed responsibility on Faceboook and Twitter and has called for an attack on Embassy Tripoli," it said.

Ansar al-Sharia bragged to members of al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb that it was responsible for the attack, according to recordings of phone calls intercepted by U.S. intelligence. But the group has publicly denied having anything to do with the attack.

Emails: White House told of Libyan attack claim on day it happened Admin210

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Post by TexasBlue Wed Oct 24, 2012 8:03 pm

How 'bout them there protests and anti-Islam videos, NextPrez? ROFL

It turns out that your hero is a fucking liar!

Emails: White House told of Libyan attack claim on day it happened Admin210

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Post by TexasBlue Wed Oct 24, 2012 8:05 pm

Press Obama on Benghazi

Derek Hunter
New York Daily News
Oct. 24, 2012

What did the President know and when did he know it? That famous question from Watergate should resurface today as news breaks that President Obama and his administration knew 2 hours after the attack that led to the murder of Libyan Ambassador Christopher Stevens and 3 other Americans were terrorism and claimed by a known terrorist group.

Reuters reported last night, “Officials at the White House and State Department were advised two hours after attackers assaulted the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11 that an Islamic militant group had claimed credit for the attack, official emails show.”

Nowhere in these emails is a YouTube video mentioned…not even once.

This blows a hole in everything the President, the vice-president and every mouthpiece they employ has been saying all along. In other words, they lied, knowingly and willingly, to the American people, to the families of the victims, for weeks.

Why would they do it? Politics.

It’s pretty simple – the President and his campaign have been travelling the country since the Democratic National Convention, slinging the line “Osama Bin Laden is dead and General Motors is alive.” They wanted people to think, as the President said, “Al Qaeda is on its heels.” Terrorists plotting and executing an attack on US soil, murdering an Ambassador, causes that narrative to crumble like a house of cards.

Lara Logan, the 60 Minutes correspondent, told the world Al Qaeda was not on the run a few weeks ago, but the most of the media shrugged it off, ignoring her in the hope the administration’s lie would be unquestioned as truth…at least until November 7th.

But it hasn’t. The emperor has no clothes. The President lied about the motivation for the attack, lied about his knowledge of the motivation for the attack and lied to cover up all of it.

You may think the word “lie” is too strong, but there’s no other for when someone knowingly and willingly says something as true when they know it not to be. That’s what we have here, beyond any doubt.

The White House and the State Department watched, in real time from an overhead drone, live video of the attack and did nothing. They did nothing to help those Americans under attack, those Americans who ended up dead.

No action was taken, no troops deployed to aid those under siege in the 7 hour attack. That’s right, the attack lasted 7 hours. That’s more than enough time to scramble fighter jets that could have easily flown over the consulate and, at a minimum, scared the hell out of the attacking terrorists forces, if not kill them.

President Obama and his administration did nothing.

Considering that, it’s little wonder why the video lie was created. Why the President, Vice President and UN Ambassador Susan Rice stuck to it even at it unraveled. They wanted desperately to get to November 7th, the day after the election, before the truth came out. Too late.

What lie will they tell now? How will they try to spin their being caught in this lie?

With this news breaking last night, Mitt Romney’s lack of attack in the debate Monday on the failures of Benghazi seem all the more a strategic win. There was no reason for Romney to attack the President on his failures in Libya because the story already had a life of its own. The President was undoubtedly prepared with well rehearsed responses of indignation that Romney would dare “politicize” this attack.

Of course, “We should not politicize this issue” is the last, desperate gasp of someone who really doesn’t want to discuss something. By not giving the President a chance to use his canned response, Romney kept the story alive. Obama couldn’t rebut what he wasn’t accused of, couldn’t spin what wasn’t thrown his way. The story continued to develop untouched, un-rebutted, unspun with the latest poll-tested nuance to paint plausible deniability. It’s doubtful the White House was blindsided by this yesterday, so Romney’s silence on it didn’t allow the Obama team to head it off at the pass.

The story lives, the lie is exposed and the American people await an explanation as to why the President spent weeks telling them things he knew not to be true. Mr. President, what say you?

Emails: White House told of Libyan attack claim on day it happened Admin210

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Post by TexasBlue Wed Oct 24, 2012 8:08 pm

Obama Knew

Neal Boortz
October 24, 2012

This is really serious stuff. At this point, unless you are a fool, you shouldn’t just be disappointed with Obama ... you should be completely disgusted with Obama. He is a vile, disgusting man. We know that now.

The ObamaMedia has quite a job today and over the next two weeks. Those people dedicated to the cause of re-electing Barack Obama will have to do their best to keep the latest news quiet about the true nature of the death of our ambassador and three other Americans. If the ObamaMedia runs with the story, they will have to put it on page 16, tucked in the left-hand corner. This way, they can say that they did indeed report it but hope that lazy readers won’t flip and scrutinize to find it hiding amongst the shadows of other stories the paper has deemed more worthy.

The latest revelations are simply this: Obama’s cover story of the Benghazi attack is completely falling apart. Obama has been exposed. Jay Carney has been exposed as someone who will tell us lies in order to protect Barack Obama. Susan Rice has been exposed, openly and overtly lying to protect Obama.

The emails are now in the hands of the media. These are the emails that the Senate Intelligence Committee has been requesting for weeks and the State Department wouldn’t turn them over.

Well, the emails are out. There are emails from our diplomats in Libya to the State Department, the FBI and EOP – more specifically, the Situation Room in the White House. Those emails plainly say the consulate in Benghazi is under armed attack:

4:05 p.m. Washington time - "U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi Under Attack" and the notation "SBU" (Sensitive But Unclassified)

The text said the State Department's regional security office had reported that the diplomatic mission in Benghazi was "under attack. Embassy in Tripoli reports approximately 20 armed people fired shots; explosions have been heard as well." The message continued: "Ambassador Stevens, who is currently in Benghazi, and four ... personnel are in the compound safe haven. The 17th of February militia is providing security support."

4:54 p.m. "Update 1: U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi"

The Embassy in Tripoli had reported that "the firing at the U.S. Diplomatic Mission in Benghazi had stopped and the compound had been cleared." It said a "response team" was at the site attempting to locate missing personnel.

6:07 p.m. "Update 2: Ansar al-Sharia Claims Responsibility for Benghazi Attack."

The message reported: "Embassy Tripoli reports the group claimed responsibility on Facebook and Twitter and has called for an attack on Embassy Tripoli."

So by the time Barack Obama sat down for dinner that night, he knew that Ansar al-Sharia had claimed responsibility for the attack. He knew!

And about that first email … who is the 17th of February militia? Their real name is the 17th of February Martyrs Brigade. Obama likes to talk about outsourcing … the 17th of February Martyrs Brigade are the people whom Obama outsourced for security for our consulate in Benghazi. And who are they? They are an offshoot of Ansar al-Sharia ... the group that was conducting the attack on the consulate!

Are you following this? Obama outsources security to our consulate to the 17th of February Martyrs Brigade, an offshoot of Ansar al-Sharia. And then we know that in the interim Chris Stevens asked for more security and Obama’s State Department says, “You don’t need it. You are fine!” And then the parent group launches an attack, brags about it on Facebook and Twitter, and then by the time Obama had finished dinner, he knew who launched this attack.

What he didn’t know by dinner is where our ambassador and personnel were. So he goes to bed.

When Obama wakes up, our ambassador is dead. And three more Americans are dead. So Obama has to make a statement. He makes a statement and slams mitt Romney and blames it on a video, and then flies to Las Vegas for a campaign fundraiser. Then he sends out his UN ambassador the next Sunday to the TV talk shows, “It’s all because of this video.” He sends Jay Carney out to say it was this video. Obama himself goes to the UN, knowing it was a planned attack by Ansar al-Sharia and says it was the video six times in that speech!

Bottom line: He knew, he lied and he covered up.

Obama lied because he was in a re-election fight and he had been running around the country boasting, “I killed bin Laden and I decimated al Qaeda. Osama is dead, GM is alive!” But the truth is that al Qaeda is not dead and al Qaeda in Libya is not dead. But our ambassador is dead … and three more Americans are dead.

All of Obama’s bravado and strutting looks pretty empty. How are we going to make this not our fault for failing to provide adequate security, for outsourcing security to the 17th of February Martyrs Brigade? How are we going to make this now our fault? We’ll blame it on this video. It’s all this guy in California … we are going to get him and we’re going to put him in jail and make him the scapegoat. He’ll do a perp walk. We’ll march him up and down the street in handcuffs … “Here he is! Here’s the responsible guy! And don’t you dare have a hearing until after the election. His hearing is scheduled for three days after the election.

And you already voted for him ... or you are going to? How incredibly stupid do you feel?

Emails: White House told of Libyan attack claim on day it happened Admin210

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Post by TexasBlue Wed Oct 24, 2012 8:09 pm

And you already voted for him ... or you are going to? How incredibly stupid do you feel?

This right here is the case I made last week about early voting. There's a ton of stupid people out there who have now voted for this liar.

Emails: White House told of Libyan attack claim on day it happened Admin210

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Post by TheNextPrez2012 Wed Oct 24, 2012 9:32 pm

I don't know why I waste time talking to people that worship the right-wing media
As Rachel Maddow says, "There's just no debunking or disproving them...

Anyway, here's what the REAL WORLD has to say about that (if you're allergic to the truth don't read it)


"the worst you can say about the White House is that they didn't do a very good job of coordinating the messages being delivered to the public by all the various agencies"

(Mitt on the other hand made bold accusations while the thing was going on...)

Emails: White House told of Libyan attack claim on day it happened Junmem10

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Post by dblboggie Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:06 pm

A point well made Tex, early voting is irresponsible and displays an ignorance of how our political system works in the real world. It also is indicative of being a party myrmidon.

Emails: White House told of Libyan attack claim on day it happened Senmem10

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Post by dblboggie Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:09 pm

Oh, and NP... trotting out a Mother Jones article is... well... hysterical... ROFL

Emails: White House told of Libyan attack claim on day it happened Senmem10

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Post by TexasBlue Thu Oct 25, 2012 5:10 am

TheNextPrez2012 wrote:I don't know why I waste time talking to people that worship the right-wing media
As Rachel Maddow says, "There's just no debunking or disproving them...

Anyway, here's what the REAL WORLD has to say about that (if you're allergic to the truth don't read it)


"the worst you can say about the White House is that they didn't do a very good job of coordinating the messages being delivered to the public by all the various agencies"

(Mitt on the other hand made bold accusations while the thing was going on...)

I didn't know tht AP, Reuters and NY Daily News were right wing.

Plus, your accusation is stupid because you trot out Maddow, who as left as they get.

Emails: White House told of Libyan attack claim on day it happened Admin210

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Post by Mark85la Fri Oct 26, 2012 3:39 pm

And now we know from today that they were denied back up upon request, THREE times.

Emails: White House told of Libyan attack claim on day it happened Senmem10

Birthday : 1985-12-02
Age : 38

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