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Senator Reid Wants Compromise

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Senator Reid Wants Compromise Empty Senator Reid Wants Compromise

Post by TexasBlue Thu Nov 04, 2010 3:47 pm

Reid Wants Compromise

Neal Boortz
November 4, 2010

Prince Harry's win in Nevada did not do anything to bring him back down to earth. In fact, I am concerned that it may have propelled him further into absurdity. In reaction to his win and talking about the future in the Senate, Harry Reid had this to say ...

"I wish the Republicans had worked with us when we did the health care bill. If there's some tweak -- if they're some tweaking we need to do with the health care bill, I'm ready for some tweaking."

In the words of Nancy Pelosi, are you serious? Nancy Pelosi went to great lengths to make sure that no Republican amendments, let alone bills, were voted on. Period. Including the healthcare debate. The Republicans offered more than 30 bills on healthcare alone, and not one of them were considered by Princess Pelosi and the House. Agreeing to a government takeover of our healthcare industry is not exactly what I would consider "working with us."

Consider this: You wake up and there's a noise in your living room. You go to investigate and find someone trying to open your wall safe so that they can steal your valuables. You challenge them and tell them to stop. They respond "Come on! Work with us here!" Yeah ... that's going to work.

About this "tweaking." Barack Obama did say in his presser yesterday that he would be open to listening to the Republicans if they had any ideas on how to make our healthcare system better. How this is any different from when he said that last year, I have no idea. But he did specifically mention the 1099 provision, which would place unbelievable burdens on small businesses to report any businesses-to-business transaction costing more than $600. That's great. But tweaking is not what the American people want, it is not why they voted in mass on Tuesday and it is certainly not what the GOP leadership wants. Repeal it.

There is no doubt that our healthcare industry needs reform, but it does not have to be a government takeover. But in the end, these are Democrats we are talking about. We are talking about politicians like Harry Reid who says, "But I am not going to, in any way, denigrate the great work we did as a country in saving America from bankruptcy because of the insurance industry bankrupting us." The insurance industry ... how about our own government? The Democrats already had the chance to repeal the 1099 provision, but they didn't. They couldn't because it is set up to be a revenue-generator to pay for ObamaCare. They will have the find the money elsewhere. But aren't you thankful that Harry Reid saved you from the evil insurance industry?

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